Careers - Students
Careers advice and guidance is extremely important at Tor Bridge High. However, it is easy to get confused with so many options and different careers to think about. To help, please see below for some useful resources. You will also find links on the left-hand side to work experience, Post 16 and 18 options, as well as useful resources such as CV and interview help.
Also remember that Year 11, 12 and 13 have a careers Google Classroom where the latest careers information is posted. If you haven’t already joined, please ask Miss Wright for the join codes.
If you require career advice, career appointments are available to all students in all year groups.
If you are in Year 11,12 or13, please ask your tutor to book you a careers appointment with Miss Wright
If you are Year 7-10, please speak to your Assistant or Deputy Head of School to book an appointment
The Pay Index:
If you are in Years 9-13, you can use The Pay Index (TPI) to explore the financial benefits of going to university or doing an apprenticeship and understand how salaries vary in different areas of the UK.
Student sign-up instructions:
· Complete the form to create an account (try to use an appropriate personal email address but if this is not possible, your school email is fine)