Welcome to Sixth Form
Message from Jemma Flaxton: Head of Sixth Form
Our mission in the Sixth Form at Tor Bridge High is to support and encourage our learners to achieve the highest standards in both their academic and vocational qualifications.
Each student is treated very much as an individual and a young adult. Time and care is spent on the preparation of a programme of study to suit each student's needs. Learners' progress is carefully monitored by the tutor and teaching staff who give encouragement for each student to fulfil their potential in a supportive and friendly environment.
At the same time, we look to each student to take on responsibility, not only for their own learning, but also as a leader within the school community. We set high standards in an environment that will help build their self-confidence and self-esteem, whilst providing a role-model and support for the younger students.
Commitment and hard work are the keys to success and we intend that the work students do in the Sixth Form will be challenging. Qualifications have become increasingly important in the current economic climate, and the courses we offer are designed to give students the greatest chance of success in today's competitive marketplace. Working hard in the Sixth Form is rewarded, and we take great pride as we see many of our students taking up places in Higher Education and professional careers. We are proud of our successes in preparing students for their futures.
Naturally, we encourage our students to involve themselves in a wide range of activities. No one should expect to have a quiet life in the Sixth Form! Apart from lessons, additional studies and private study, students can be found taking a lead in clubs, sports activities, dance productions, community and charity work, committees, conferences and social events.
I hope that you are looking forward to the challenge, and the enjoyment, that the Sixth Form offers. I am looking forward to sharing these opportunities with you.

Dress Code
As a Sixth Form student and a senior member of the school, it is vital that you behave in accordance with the rules and dress appropriately for your studies and thereby set an excellent example to the rest of the school. Your appearance should be NEAT AND TIDY, not present a health and safety hazard, and you should wear clothing that is smart, appropriate for learning and professional.
Whilst there is not a uniform as in Years 7 to 11, you should refrain from wearing clothes considered by your Head of Sixth Form or school staff to be unsuitable.
These are: bare midriffs/low cut tops and very short skirts.
Shorts are permitted for students, but must be knee length and of a plain colour and will only be permitted to be worn for the Summer Term only.
Beach shorts and/or shorts with a camouflage pattern are not permitted.
High heeled shoes/flip flops are inappropriate for health and safety reasons.
Caps/hats/hoods are not to be worn inside school/school.
Hair can be dyed but must be a natural colour.
Clothing with offensive slogans are not to be worn inside school/school. On formal occasions (i.e Celebration Day/Open Days or when students are representing the school/school at external events) students are not expected to wear jeans or denim jackets.
Students must not have excessive piercings on display.