Mobile Phone Use
Mobile phones can be brought to school but must be kept in bags throughout the day. Tor Bridge High is a mobile phone free zone.
If your mobile phone is seen or heard during the school day, it will be confiscated.
If your parent/ carer needs to contact you, they should ring Reception (207907)
Timings of the Day
07:30 - Breakfast Club (open for all students)
08:30 - Students Arrive at School
08:35 - Students line-up
08:40 - Tutorial
09:10 - Lesson 1
10:10 - Lesson 2
11:10 - Break Time
11:35 - Lesson 3
12:35 - Lesson 4
13:35 - Break 2
14:00 - Lesson 5
15:00 - End of Day
Internet Links

Internet Safety
Missing People: To report a sighting 24hr freephone 0500 700 700, to report a missing person contact the police
Police :
Emergency 999,
Non urgent call 101,
Plymouth Youth Issues Team: 01752 720585/720579
Crime Stoppers: 0800 555 111
Seeking Help

IWF (Internet Watch Foundation)