Tor Bridge High expects all students to be ‘business’ smart and to wear their uniform with pride. Uniform helps to bind us together as one team and community, it contributes to a sense of equality and reduces distractions, helping students to concentrate on their studies. We appreciate your efforts in ensuring your children adhere to our uniform policy (full details and guidance can be found in the policy section of our school website).
If there is a reason that your child is struggling to follow our uniform policy, or if you are experiencing financial difficulties purchasing the uniform, please contact Student Services or your child's Head of Year. One of the pastoral team will be happy to support.
Nearly New Shop
We look to offer good quality secondhand items of school uniform at discounted prices. This is achieved through the generosity of parents and carers donating their children's uniforms. Stock is then checked and if we have the appropriate items, we can arrange for you to come into school to view and collect. We are unable to offer ad-hoc requests to come in due to staff availability. Please consider donating serviceable items of uniform that your child has outgrown. These can be left in Reception.
Uniform Details
Item | Detail |
Jacket | Fitted jacket (Trutex) https://www.trutex.com/ |
Skirt | Tor Bridge High approved school skirt (Must be box pleated and appropriate length) |
Trousers | Tailored school trousers or shorts |
Shirt | White school shirts |
Tights/Socks | Tights and socks when worn with a skirt or shorts should be black (non-branded); white socks can be worn with trousers |
Tie | School tie |
Shoes | Plain black polishable shoes (no coloured markings) |
Jewellery | Jewellery – No Rings, bracelets or necklaces (Health and safety)
Piercings - One discrete nose piercing. Ears must ONLY contain small discrete studs (Less than 0.5mm-No bars or hoops) |
Hair & Make-up | Must be natural looking in appearance and length |
Bags | Students MUST have an A4 size school bag (Handbags are not acceptable), which can contain books, PE kit and a pencil case. |
Pencil Case | Must contain:
• Black pens (at least two)
• Green pen
• Pencil
• Ruler
• Reading ruler (will be provided at start of year)
• Eraser
• Highlighter
• Scientific calculator for maths and science
Physical Education (PE) Kit | |
Jogging bottoms or shorts | Plain black jogging bottoms or shorts without any branding/logos. |
Top | Tor Bridge High PE top. |
Trainers | Appropriate for activity (e.g. clean if inside). |
Hair & nails | For PE, long hair should be tied up and students must not have nail extensions. |
Where to Purchase Uniform
All unbranded items can be purchased from any retailer (e.g. supermarkets such as Asda and Marks and Spencers).
Our preferred school uniform supplier is Trutex (Billacombe Road). The link to make a uniform fitting appointment is http://www.plymouth.trutex.com/ or contact Trutex directly via telephone (01752 491353) or email (Plymouth@trutex.com).
Our uniform supplier for PE is Kit World: Faraday Road, Cattedown. The link to order PE uniform is: https://kitworld.uk/product-category/school-clubs/torbridge-high-pe/ or contact Kit World directly via telephone (01752 265533) or email (info@kitworld.uk).