Our Curriculum
We ensure that all students at Tor Bridge High access an ambitious, broad and knowledge rich curriculum which will open doors for all and maximise their life chances to go on to progress into ambitious and exciting careers and futures ‘without limit’.
Our curriculum is led by, collaborated on and delivered by high-quality specialists who ensure that all students, regardless of starting point, social background or SEND provision are challenged to think hard, work hard and learn effectively. Each subject team have carefully and deliberately ‘selected’ and ‘sequenced’ learning to ensure knowledge and skills are ‘secured.’
The curriculum is designed for students to remember in detail: to be stored in our students’ long- term memories so that they can later build on it forming ever wider and deeper schema. As a result, a good knowledge- rich curriculum embraces learning from cognitive science about memory, forgetting and the power of retrieval practice. Intelligent sequencing of the curriculum builds on what has come before and prepares for what comes after. This careful and meticulous consideration of what our students learn and in what order provides them with the richest narrative possible for our students.
At the heart of our curriculum lies deep respect and passion for the subjects that we teach. We ensure that students are not only equipped with the powerful knowledge that they need to understand intelligently the world around them, but we also teach students how to think, how to critically evaluate and how to be an active and responsible citizen in society in the context of the rich knowledge each subject provides.
We have a three-year Key Stage 3 curriculum and a two-year Key Stage 4 curriculum with the expectation that our students will continue their curriculum into the sixth form at Post 16. Each subject area curriculum has been designed to ensure that knowledge builds on prior links to learning and links sequentially to the next stage in their learning. In this way, subject areas have a spiral curriculum with key concepts and thresholds which are sequenced logically and coherently to ensure students know more, remember more, and apply this knowledge to each skill within a subject area using ambitious vocabulary.
The academic year is divided into three cycles of twelve weeks. Each cycle comprises ten teaching weeks, during which students cover new topics in preparation for examinations and assessments.
The eleventh week is an assessment week when all students in Years 7-13 complete tests and other assessments in every subject to analyse their strengths and identify areas for further development. The twelfth week is where students will be given bespoke feedback during ‘super teach’ week.
Within the subject areas of Science, Religious Studies, Geography and Health and well-being, all KS3 students will access a booklet curriculum that assures excellence in the substance of what is taught to every single child. The intended curriculum is consistently enacted in lessons allowing a fuss free approach to teaching and learning that reduces the cognitive overload for all students
Our Teaching and Learning policy have intertwined the key strands for improvement for highest leverage changes in the classroom, with first quality teaching to support all, but particularly SEND students and Disadvantaged Learners. Our vehicle for change and improvement is Incremental Coaching with action steps that each teacher embeds, as a habit, to improve outcomes for all.
This will ensure that we:
Have high levels of engagement within every classroom.
Increase levels of participation through expert and frequent questioning tools.
Improve literacy skills.
Ensure effective explanations so that all students can know more, remember more and do more
The curriculum for each year group (7-13) can be accessed by clicking on the separate tab for each subject. The curriculum for each subject outlines the knowledge and skills for each term, as you can see from the subject road maps for each year group.
Formal written assessments, also known as end-point plans, are undertaken during each Cycle and are skilfully, and appropriately, mapped back from Year 11-7. Parents currently receive three progress reports for each subject each year after each summative assessment point. Assessment is used expertly to track the progress of all students and to: rapidly understand the starting points of all students; identify gaps in learning as a result of the pandemic; ensure that pupils embed key knowledge and skills throughout all stages of the curriculum.
Whilst our teachers explore the meaning of subject-specific language and plan for challenging reading and writing with scaffolding for all students to achieve ambitious outcomes. we also have a guided reading tutorial programme in Years 7-13 where students take part in teacher led reading where they actively track the text and explore a range of fiction and non-fiction that explores the world around them, from classics to contemporary fiction.
Lesson Structure

Developing Teachers to be the best they can be through investing in high quality professional development is of the highest importance. We ensure that all teachers work hard to improve professionally within both their wider teaching and learning pedagogy and within their own subject areas.
All students access a challenging and ambitious curriculum and are supported to achieve the very best outcomes, regardless of starting points, social background or SEND provision. Students learn knowledge in a logical and sequential manner that ensures they know more, remember more and can, therefore, do more.
All students have improved their literacy skills to become more confident in their oral and written literacy communication. This is overcoming any literacy barriers so that students can develop confidence in their communication and express ideas and opinions articulately.
Pupils with SEND are supported to achieve the best possible outcomes.
All students show pride in their education through high standards of presentation and work within each and every lesson.
All students show a thirst for knowledge and the stamina and resilience to thrive in the world around them. Their knowledge of relationships and society is strong and they feel confident to discuss wider issues that can affect their lives in the modern world.
All students have the required knowledge and skills to make informed decisions about their next steps in education or training, and have been equipped to use this knowledge to secure the required outcomes for their chosen pathway
Curriculum Structure
Year 7 - 9
In keystage 3 (years 7,8,&9) students study a core curriculum of English, Maths and Science.
Alongside this students study Technology, History, Geography, Performing Arts, Modern Languages, Religious Studies, Art and Design. PSHE and Physical Education are taught as part for the Health & Wellbeing lessons
Students will cover aspects of the three science disciplines- biology, chemistry and physics.
Technology is taught on a rotation with students gaining experience in Food Technology, Computer Science, Engineering and Textiles.
Students study music and drama as part of the performing arts lesson
Students will study either French or Spanish. Parents/students can request a language choice prior to entry otherwise allocation is based on student preference where possible.
During Year 7 students undertake a carousel of fine art, 3D textiles and graphic design.
For a select number of students for whom it is deemed appropriate provision for an extra period of mathematics and/or English can be made available. Where this happens the student does not follow a modern language programme at key stage 3.
Year 10 - 11
Students make their GCSE options in year 9 – studying English, Maths, Science alongside 3 selected option subjects. All of these courses continue with all exams being completed at the end course in the summer of Year 11.
Students will continue their Study PSHE as part of their Health & wellbeing lessons.
Post 16
Students in year 11 are introduced to the courses and pathways on offer at Post 16 through a series of assemblies jointly delivered by the subject leads and the Head of Sixth Form. A Post 16 Open Evening gives the opportunity for students and parents/ carers to explore the progression routes in greater detail.
The IAG co-coordinator is on hand to support students and this process will have started well in advance of year 11.
3 pathways are available to students: a pre apprenticeship route, a level 3 vocational route and a Level 3 academic route – the last 2 of which may be combined.
On the Academic and Level 3 vocational pathways students will make provisional subject choices – choosing from 4 option blocks. The expectation is that students will choose 3 subjects to study for 2 years. In some circumstances students will study 4 subjects at Post 16.
On the pre apprenticeship pathway students will select a vocational area from a city wide offer and will study through a combination of work experience and in school/ college study.
To complement the academic study students will undertake a programme of enrichment activities which may include extended project, community commitment, work experience, Duke Of Edinburgh, Ten Tors, Crest Award, Young Enterprise and Sports Leadership Awards.