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Year 10 Parents' Presentation

Below is a link to the parent presentation from the meeting after school on Tuesday 21st May 2024


Welcome to Tor Bridge High

Welcome to our website, we hope that you find it both a useful source of day-to-day information and also somewhere that gives you a sense of what the school is like.

We hope these pages enable you to understand what we feel makes this school a great school in which students can learn and grow based on: high expectations for students of all abilities; a rich curriculum that is carefully sequenced and planned to reflect the needs of our students; and a clear focus on providing a springboard to a fulfilling, independent future for all our students, preparing them for the challenges that life beyond Tor Bridge High may present and to be the best that they can be. We deliver a broad curriculum, which enables students to achieve their full potential and facilitates personal development.

Whilst equipping them to engage in debates and conversations of their time, we prepare them for the challenges of our local, national and international society. All students, including those with limited exposure to different religions, cultures and travel outside of the immediate area, will have a curriculum that facilitates opportunities to expand their horizons and broaden their experience, overtly in creativity and the arts.

The whole experience of being a part of Tor Bridge High enables our students to attain high quality qualifications rooted in a deep foundation of transferrable knowledge and skills acquired from a wide range of subject areas. This is delivered through consistent, excellent standards of teaching and learning in order to achieve better than expected progress of our students. We maximise the development and sharing of best practice through team collaboration, working with schools locally and nationally and networking opportunities nationwide.

We whole heartedly encourage every member of the Tor Bridge High community to embrace difference, expect tolerance, require respect and challenge prejudice. We create a vibrant and all-embracing culture where staff and students are valued, nurtured and protected. We promote good behaviour through conduct, self-discipline and respect. Developing enthusiasm to ensure all aspects of learning, creativity and drive for academic success are achieved.

Working in partnership with families and other members of the Tor Bridge High community, we aim to broaden individuals’ awareness of understanding and contribution to local, national and global citizenship. We maximise opportunities for developing effective personal skills and qualifications, thereby extending students’ potential and aspirations to become the best that they can be.

Tracy Stephenson


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