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Art & Design

A curriculum fit for the 21st Century:

Already 1 in every 8 businesses are creative, as are 1 in every 11 jobs. Workforce projections suggest that creative jobs will continue to grow at a fast pace and that our future economy will be built on creativity and technology. With artificial intelligence taking over routine tasks, there will be immense opportunities for people who combine creative, technical and social skills – skills that are resilient to future automation. (Nesta, Creativity and the future of work report, 2018)

Through project based learning, visits and workshops we aim to provide our students with a global perspective on different religions, cultures, travel and employment.  As well as focussing on creative output, we have a duty to develop our students’ language skills so that they can articulate their thoughts and understanding in an effective way (be that verbally, in writing or in pictures).

Art & Design


What Will I Study?

Throughout year 7, all students will experience and gain skills in the following areas: architecture; drawing; painting; textile design; sculpture; ceramics; graphic design and digital media.  They will complete 7-9 week projects, each with a different theme.  Where possible, projects address social and cultural issues.  There are also opportunities for cross-curricular links. Students will develop an understanding of the creative process, using research and experimentation to solve problems and develop ideas for an imaginative and skilful outcome.  They will develop language skills (visual, written and oral), reviewing their work and that of others.
In year 8, students are able to pursue their interests in more depth, working on longer projects.  Following an evaluation process at the end of year 7, students are placed in specialist groups that reflect their interests (drawing and painting; textile design; 3D design and ceramics; graphic design and digital media).  They will remain with the same teacher throughout the year, allowing time to investigate themes and briefs in more detail and practise skills in greater depth

Our delivery model is informed by GCSE specifications.

How Will I Be Assessed?

Every lesson, students receive feedback and technical assistance to help them to improve their work.  Formal assessments will occur at the end of each project, with detailed feedback and opportunities to reflect upon and improve their work.

When assessing students’ work we are making judgements on:

  • How clearly ideas are developed and presented

  • Ability to make links between own practice and that of professionals

  • Skill and control with media

  • Willingness to experiment with a range of materials and processes

  • Ability to draw with care and accuracy

  • Ability to reflect upon and refine work to produce outcomes

  • Presentation

What Experiences Will I Get?

All projects are supported by the contextual study of art, craft and design movements and practitioners, thus opening a window onto the world, both past and present.  Students are actively encouraged to discuss the issues and concepts involved, forming their own opinions whilst also appreciating the opinions of others.

There are opportunities for students to further their passion for art and design by attending the weekly art and photography clubs.  There are also opportunities to work with visiting artists and to visit galleries and exhibitions.


What Will I Study?

Art  & Design is an optional subject that is very popular. Students can  choose a general art and design route, or a more specialist course. They  can study both Art & Design and Photography if they wish. Options  are as follows: Art & Design; Textiles; 3D design; Graphic Design  and Digital Media; Photography. Following on their experience in years 7  and 8, students can make an informed choice.

Our  aim is to develop the skills and confidence that enable students to  become more independent as the course progresses. Students will need to  respond to numerous challenges, using the creative process to develop  imagination, skilful and personal responses. The Art &  Design/Photography curriculum is very flexible and does not dictate  subject matter. Therefore, the theme varies group to group, year to  year. Our aim is to inspire the next generation of young artists.

How WIll I Be Assessed?

Every  lesson, students receive feedback and technical assistance to help them  to improve their work.  Formal assessments will occur at regular  intervals throughout each project, with detailed feedback and  opportunities to reflect upon and improve their work.

  • When assessing students’ work we are making judgements on:

  • How clearly ideas are developed and presented

  • Ability to make links between own practice and that of professionals

  • Skill and control with media

  • Willingness to experiment with a range of materials and processes

  • Ability to draw with care and accuracy

  • Ability to create ‘technically good’ photographic images using different cameras and editing software (GCSE Photography)

  • Ability to reflect upon and refine work to produce outcomes

  • Presentation

Other Art Experiences

All  projects are supported by the contextual study of art, craft and design  movements and practitioners, thus opening a window onto the world, both  past and present.  Students are actively encouraged to discuss the  issues and concepts involved, forming their own opinions whilst also  appreciating the opinions of others.

There  are opportunities for students to further their passion for art and  design by attending extra studio sessions after school. There are also  opportunities to work with visiting artists and to visit galleries and  exhibitions.

Every  day our studios are open to students after school, providing the  opportunity to ask for extra support or to use the specialist materials  and equipment on offer. We have a discounted art store if students wish  to purchase materials to use at home.

It  is essential that Photography students have access to a camera at home.  SLR or Bridge cameras are best – ask the photography teachers for  advice before buying!


Qualifications  on offer: GCE A-Level Art, Craft and Design; GCE A-Level Photography;  BTEC Nationals Extended Certificate in Art and Design (L3); BTEC  Nationals Diploma in Art and Design (L3).

Students  can pursue several specialisms through the above courses, developing  their interest and skill levels at a higher level.  Smaller group sizes,  greater maturity and expertise allow for increased levels of  independence.  The start of year 12 is more teacher led with a focus on  skill development and learning how to meet assessment criteria.  As  students progress they lead their own investigations (with the support  of teachers), tackling subject matter of personal interest.  Formal  instruction in a wide range of techniques and processes, alongside  one-to-one tutorials, ensures high levels of success.

Assessment  is carried out in accordance with the exam board specifications.  We  make regular reference to the assessment criteria to ensure that  students understand how to improve.  They receive verbal feedback every  lesson, helping them to progress with their ideas.  Formal assessments  will occur at regular intervals throughout each project, with detailed  feedback and opportunities to reflect upon and improve their work.

All  projects are supported by the contextual study of art, craft and design  movements and practitioners, thus opening a window onto the world, both  past and present. Students are actively encouraged to discuss the  issues and concepts involved, forming their own opinions whilst also  appreciating the opinions of others.

There  are opportunities for students to further their passion for art and  design by attending extra studio sessions after school.  There are also  opportunities to work with visiting artists and to visit galleries and  exhibitions (locally, in London and Italy).


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